May 12, 2013

Paleo Bites in March

Yes - we are still eating like cavemen. Paleo it's called. Not sure what that is? Click back to my original post

Here are some of my favorite things from March...

Grilled burgers (cross that off my NY resolutions! It was to learn to grill!)
Avocado, baby greens & beets, etc.

The makings for Jen's Salsa! And beyond!
Well.....not exactly. I actually majorly messed up her recipe but it still turned out amazing and now I use my mess up recipe all the time :)
In a blender: 6 tomatillos, 1/2 a deseeded jalapeño, 1 whole cucumber, 2 avocados, 1/2 small onion, juice of 2 lemons, 1/2 a bunch cilantro, lots of salt. Delish!  

"muffins" more like cooked eggs made slightly bready. Was obsessed for like 2 days as it was an avenue for lots of grassfed butter. Over it. 

This pic kills me. Want to eat my screen. This is my homemade Eggs Benedict. I used the Pioneer Woman's hallandaise sauce. Thanks PW. I also learned how to poach an egg from her! 

Dear sweet babe - you loved the "chocolate pudding" I made. I was not so much a fan....threw out the recipe. But I am going to have to try another one. My mother in law taught me about using avocados in desserts as a creamy, thick medium for grain & sugar free recipes. It's amazing!!! But this one isn't so much.

Made my own mayo!! Thanks Melissa!

OMGoodness. This "pad thai" and pineapple chicken curry was heaven on a plate. 

Just a delectable plate of veggie scramble with avocados, roasted zucchini and parsnips and turkey bacon. Yummers

This chicken recipe is again from Melissa of the cookbook Well Fed. Her recipes rock my world.
Oh sweet Paleo baby. How I love your sweet broccoli face. :) 

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