December 28, 2012

AZ Trip Day 2 - Part 1 - 2012

8 children, 3 adults, 1 car = my fav part of AZ. Aunt Jen really knows how to show people a good time. We decided to head over to Jump Street. Oooooooh lala!

You wee one are a beautiful, predictable, little girl. At this stage of your life you still take two (sometimes 3) naps a day. The first at 9ish, the second at 1ish and the third around 5:30pm (for about 30-45 minutes). All you need if we are in the car is a tightly wrapped blanket, a pacifier and about 5 minutes to cry yourself to sleep (I wish there was a different way) and you are OUT like a light.

Jump Street is an indoor trampoline park. The section we mostly spent our time on was the 12 long trampolines connected side by side. It was amazing.

Madam A had a bounding good time.

Madam C wore herself out.

My main man L was totally into it. He was all about the tricks & wall climbing.

See? Told ya.

C was all about the back-walkovers.

Willsie was pretty resistive to the whole idea. Maybe a tad scary. It was a HUGE room. But that is where the Jedi mind trick comes in. I just decide it's going to be great - and it usually is....

He was totally into it after a little while and we ran and ran back and forth "One, two, three, gooooo!"

But daddy could not perform like the momma. 

Next up? Foam pit!!! Where's Luke??

After paying a few extra dollars (thanks Aunt Jen!) the kids enjoyed jumping off a mini trampoline into a foam pit. 

Was quite the workout and good fun.

I was determined to show Willsie a good time. We then ventured on the mega slides.

Hehehehe - he really looks to be enjoying himself huh?

After a few minutes I was sweating my butt off - those ladders are not for sissies.

Go Ava!! Being 6 really helps your independence skills.

You are a cutie mama.

So fun.....not gonna lie.

Madam S looooved to jump with her dadda.

One of my favorite things to watch was the way Carter and Ava interacted. Carter is 14 and treats his sister with such love and devotion. It's wonderful.

Day of Fun is off to a good start!!!

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