July 20, 2012

HomeSchool Conference Day #2

It did turn around!!! Yesterday was in fact just a small hiccup to an incredible trip. First off the wonderful and amazing neighboring family next door switched rooms with us by about 8:30AM (THANK YOU AGAIN Aist family!). Awwww sweet lord - together at last. Luckily Savannah slept from 9pm until 6AM and then a quick nurse and back down until 8:30AM again. I LOVE YOU SAVANNAH! I had time to unpack, organize, clean up, get dressed and just have quiet time to get my mind wrapped around vacationing while trying to learn and keep track of 6 people.

The kids were raring to go at 8AM. I had to hold them off as best I could. I am new to this whole conference with children thing. And I think I stick out like a sore thumb. People here are peaceful, patient, kind and love children. I feel stressed, rushed, hurried and hungry........looking forward to learning the ropes.

And then we finally leave the hotel room (I had brought cereal & milk for breakfast to save a few $$ - turns out this is what about everyone does!) and head to the Family Room around 9:15 AM. This is basically a covered cabana room about 3,000sf and is set up with tables and chairs and a ton of activities for the kids to do. Exhibit A the 10,000 wooden block pieces = kids heaven. Almost immediately two boys gravitate toward John and start chatting him up and wanting to build with him. This is what happens to John. Kids gravitate toward him and tend to like it a lot! I know the feeling.

Char sets to work like a pro - what else is new.

Lucas hung back and just observed for a bit. And then saw some boys putting plastic cups up to this MEGA outdoor fan/airconditioners. The boys thought it was amazing watching the cups fly backward (aww the sweet innocence of childhood). Before long there was a group of boys (Lucas included) going to town. Of course Willsie was there to add excitement by trying to shove wooden blocks in the fan. Thanks Willsie for making sure the AM wasn't boring!

Next up Lauren and I try to hit a few seminars. The people are calling them sessions. First up was Math Games by RightStart Math. This was awesome. I was hooked. I got a warm and fuzzy and somewhat familiar feeling while in this seminar. I sure love teaching and miss my classroom but this made me feel at home. Amazing how Lauren and I were sitting out answers and no one else seemed able, awake. or interested. Or maybe we are just type A goodie two shoes? Both? 

Turns out the reason I loved this seminar is that the products were made by a certified Montessori Teacher! BUT OF COURSE!!! I love the Montessori method of teaching small children more than anything ever. It's the BEST method of teaching I have ever personally witnessed. Both my kids attended a fabulous Montessori preschool and I am just finishing Willsie's paperwork for the Fall!!!!

Next up - Lumch in the hotel room. I thought I was a bit overboard bringing a case of water, sandwich fixing ins, a cutting board, etc. But oh no. This is what most people do! I am starting to love these freaks! 

Next up: A math seminar I couldn't put enough attention on. My older kids were too busy asking me a questions about the next activity and Lauren and I were like high school girls whispering to each other. Alright - we're outta this one....

Next up: Vendor Hall. AKA The room of bankruptness. :) The kids and I wanted to buy everything!! It's like a toy store and teacher supply store in one. These places are the joy of my life and the death of my budget. We walked away only $39.43 poorer (that's just today) but now Charlotte had a loom kit and Lucas a tornado kit and a family game. Not bad. Lucas chatted up the booth keepers like a regular social butterfly while Charlotte almost cried when I told her she needed to check the price of something. Lucas's ability to talk to grown ups always startles me. He and the booth keeper just sat talking like old pals about science and her sciences kits. Heart warming.

Next up: The Art of Storytelling with Jim Weiss. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it from beginning to end and didn't want it to end. Ever. His ability to share all these amazing tricks for successful storytelling while inspiriting and lifting you up and making you laugh was amazing. He is so expressive (as you can see) and I wish I had attending every single seminar he did.

Next up: Basketmaking class for Charlotte. Turns out the amazing Kari Aist (remember her? She was my neighbor that switched rooms with me so we could have adjoined rooms!) taught this class and it ROCKED! Charlotte was in heaven (of course) and I learned too while Savannah slept in the baby carrier( btw Savannah, you learned a golden star today. You slept like a complete dream child that you are. Thank you sweetie pie!!!!) Charlotte the artist of the century picked incredibly colors. Look at this glory!

Next up: Dinner at the Family Cabanna. I LOVE being able to eat while the kids play right there next to us. A genius had to have set this up that way for us. Oh yes - it's was a group of homeschoolingn moms!!! Hey wait a minute I am really starting to enjoy myself! Sign me up for the freak wagon!!!!!!

Next up: swimming! FUN! There were about 30 families having a blast. It was awesome.

Next up: a little iPad time with daddy before bed.

Char and I checked out the fitness room. They have all sorts of awesome equipment plus 4 racket ball rooms! John is excited!

Next up: Watching an episode of Storm Chasers that came in Luke's tornado kit. So interesting! Lucas was dying with the anticipation the whole time. I loved watching him watch the show. :)

Next up: bed. The kids are wonderfully exhausted and I am keyed out, wired up and restless with happiness. I need this more than I knew. I was at such a point of overwhelm and apathy at the sheer thought of making our house and life a traditional classroom. These lovely, peaceful, warm, kind, fuzzy, thoughtful, smiley, smart people are rubbing off on me. I already feel calmer and more optimistic. I feel more confident and relaxed. 

Looking forward to tomorrow!!!

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