January 30, 2012

Rambo Greeting

 If I ever get too serious or need things spiced up a bit in our daily routine - there's always John.
Oh Juan - how I love your sense of humor. I love that you will always be forever and eternally a 17 year old boy - kinda like Edward Cullen (LOL!)
Exhibit A: Rambo Greeting

The kids and I just pulled into the driveway from the library. As we got out of the car I noticed the door was open in front. Hmmm....odd. John's car was in the driveway but front door open was not like him. This is where I was slightly tipped off.

Next thing I know we are ALL being assaulted. No one is spared. Even the baby.

As he keeps shooting us and as we are all running around looking for cover we just can't stop laughing. I am laughing so hard I might fall over. More and more guns keep being pulled from places. And oh the sound effects. Glorious.

The likeness is uncanny (not) but the effect was awesome. I especially love your neck tie headband. Nice touch. I am so happy I married you. xoxo

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

I can't believe he did this. I love the creativity!!!