March 15, 2011

Are you telling the truth?

For a bit now most of my questions proceed with the follow up question: "Are you telling the truth?"
It might go something like this:

Allie: "Charlotte, did you put away your clothes?"
Charlotte: (pause) "Yeeesss"
Allie: "Hmm, are you telling the truth?"
Charlotte: (pause) "Noooo" (sheepish grin)


Allie: "Lucas did you make your bed?"
Lucas: "Ummm, ya?"
Allie: "Dude, are you telling the truth?"
Lucas: (scampers off to actually make it)

I sincerely wish I didn't have to utter those words.
I sincerely wish you won't have to utter those words to your children...
although chances are you will.
I am sincerely thankful I never have to utter those words to your daddy. 
He's one good man.
Photo taken by Lucas

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