April 26, 2010

Read to bed

Things seemed to be taking an interesting turn......

Tonight you read me bedtime stories and I fell asleep...until you looked over and said
"Mom don't fall asleep!! I am reading to you!!" a bit horrified that I had the nerve to fall asleep when something as cool as you reading to me was taking place. Well my love, it is not boring, or unspecial, or unworthy of celebration. It is AMAZING!! So beautiful and very Hallmark-card-ish. I cherished every waking moment of it. It's just that NOTHING can compete with the tiredness of pregnancy. For this I apologize.

At the sound of your chiding voice I pried my eyes open (even though they were catatonically closed....they were willing themselves shut I tell you) and that lasted for about 5 bleary seconds until I started nodding off again and you nudged me "Mo-om! Stay awake!" And again the battle was on with my eyelids. Darn eye lids.

After you finished the first book you ran to the shelf and grabbed this one shouting "Oh I love this one, this is my favorite!"

As you were reading (Dr. Seuss's rhythm is ever so relaxing) I was getting a little sad. Sad because these precious few moments of you reading me Dr. Seuss will probably last another 2 nights before you are asking me to buy you more grown up books. I wanted to shout the lyrics of "Forever Young" at the top of my lungs, as if that would really accomplish my goal. Sigh.

Don't grow up too fast Luke. I love you just the way you are.

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

so cute. I love looking in my kids rooms at night and seeing how they are all reading. I love watching it progress to a large series!! I know they are getting older, but I really enjoy watching their love for reading grow!!