June 20, 2006

Daily To Do list of my children

In an email to Cereza, my good friend and fellow mother of two children 3 and under, we were laughing about our kids driving bonkers. Here is what I came up with (with a few new additions) and we both had a good laugh - because it's TOTALLY TRUE!

Daily To-Do list of small mischievous children:

1) Wake up really early only to go back to sleep the minute mom is outside my door.
2) Throw, grind, smudge and otherwise totally ruin interior of mom's car.
3) Do crazy and mischievous things, to then smile so sweetly how can they get mad??
4) "Play" mom so that she never wants to have anymore kids so that I am always the center of attention around here.
5) Ask for _____ to eat only to then say "I don't want that" as soon as it's in front of you.
6) Poop as much as possible and preferably right before we have to go. Bonus points if we are running late.
7) Pull all the sharp knives out of the dishwasher, because after all what would mom do without my "help" ?
8) Ask for a bottle of milk or "E-mergency" (vitamin water) and then run around the house with it tipped upside down so that mom has to mop twice a day! Otherwise she would be bored I am sure. :)
9) Hold all my peepee until right before I wake up so as to be sure to wet the bed.
10) Do the cutest, most awesome stuff like cuddle, or originate "I love you" or a kiss. And I know that makes ALL my mommy's hard work totally and completely worth it!

(Note: Although it is true, my children do attempt a lot of the above in a day, they are still the most unbelievable thing that has ever happened to me and I tell them so every day!)

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