September 1, 2012

$5.26 toward my future

Recently I have been on a major soul searching journey. Mostly through my parenting principles. After a particularly amazing day at a seminar - I came away a better person.

I have searched forever to find something that will be my life's work.
Raising children is truly where it's at for me - but deep down I knew I needed more.
Plus as much as I can fantasize, I can't keep having babies into my 80s.

Back to this turning point of a day though; something clicked during the seminar and all the pieces of the past 10 years seemed to come together at once. I knew I was finally where I needed to be to see that what I have always wanted to do was have a preschool and teach in a very particular style. More on that later.

It's funny that I didn't fully see this years ago. Hours of my time were spent reading books on preschools, watching video interviews with successful preschool directors and in general researching education. I do this nonstop. Really? Yes. Passions can't be explained.

So I came home and shared with the kids my goal "for when I grow up." Lucas said "That's probably going to cost of loooot of money" and I agreed.
Lucas walked away and came back with this pile of coins.
He smiled and said nothing. I knew. And smiled back.
"Mom, this is for the preschool."

Seeing this Charlotte brought some of her money too...

and seeing THAT Lucas brought more...

This was a gesture that can't be beat. To give all the money you have to someone else's dream is beyond words.

You two are beyond words.

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