July 15, 2010

New House

Welcome!!! This is our new house that we moved into July 1st. Pull into my driveway (it's huge) and stay awhile.  :)

If you were to walk up to my car you would see the front door on your left and the driveway door in front of you. I am going to take you into my backyard first so follow me through the driveway door.

Here we are. If you will notice there are two doors ahead. Far ahead that is. The one on the right is our office. It's a fairly large room and we are planning a guest area in there too. Sorry I can't show you right now as we are not done unloading boxes. More to come later.

That black mound is my BBQ. Sorry, it can be a bit of an eyesore.

The left door is to our laundry room and shed/garage area. It's quite spacious and I like it!!

Now this is what you would see if you were walking towards my office door and turned your head right. Fruit trees. Lemon, grapefruit and something else.

Hello pool! Our above ground pool is 18ft across and reaches Charlotte's shoulders. It's PERFECT. And the patio table and chairs make it perfect for me. :)

The ground is covered in fine gravel. I like it because it's pretty. John likes it because it doesn't need water.

We are now going to go back out my driveway door and through the front door. This is what you see if you look left.

And if you walked left and stood in the corner this is the angle you would behold. What's what you say? You love that white fuzzy bench. Let's take a closer look.

Hello white fuzzy bench. You are so comfy.

But let's sit on the couch instead and see the view from here. We have the coffee table in the bottom right, the front door over there and the dining room and kitchen.

So we have the kitchen bar first, but if you step around that you will see the fridge on your left, and turn around and I will show you the stove.

I always wanted a pots/pans holder above my stove. Cooking here makes me happy. Now turn around and let's look out.

You love that painting too? Let's take a closer look.

Awww....it's makes me smile when I see it.

More to come on the bedrooms as we get them more finished!! :) Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

I love the light. It looks so comfortable, I can see why you love it!! Show me more!!!!