Current Luke...
Favorite book: "I will never, not ever, eat tomatoes." This is a very cute book about a brother that gets his picky eater of a little sister to eat good and healthy food. We make jokes and references to this book all the time. VERY good book.
Favorite toy: No current obsession. He has been on a kick of playing with all his old toys. I love it!
Favorite food: apples. He and his teacher have this thing going where they are going to plant all the apple seeds from the apples Luke eats. God love her. Also digging fish sticks, and dried figs.
Can't go to bed without: A made up story about the twins John and Jack (see John and Jack post), a loooong back scratch, kissing my tummy (not sure why), and a nice long cuddle. Oh and if he hears Charlotte demand some water, he'll need some too.
Cute things: He has been coming home singing the state song, it's a song they teach at school so the kids learn the names of all the US states in alphabetical order. I love it (learned it when I was a kid) and so he sings that a lot and then if he hears a state mentioned on the radio or in conversation, he says "Mom!! Alabama! Like Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,.....(and breaks into the song)" Very, very cute.
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