Okay so some current Charlotte things.
Can't go to bed without a sip of water, her "first beela*," a back scratch and a nice, long cuddle. Also John and I are done with the nightly fight, she now occupies the center of our bed a good part of the night. It was a nightly battle and ruined the relaxing evening we craze. "Why fight it when it just doesn't matter that much" John would beg. So I gave in, and it's not killing me. She is pretty good to sleep with, nice cuddling form, but I just can't do the deep sleep I love so much. I suppose this is one of those "mothering ain't easy" moments.
Favorite foods: Bananas, she has been eating like 2-3 a day. Popsicles. She gets to have a homemade juice Popsicle after dinner if she eats well and has good manners. Well....if she fails, ohhhhh man. Everyone up and down our block knows how upset she is.
Favorite article of clothing: This year we did actual back to school shopping (so fun) and I let Charlotte pick out what she wanted (mostly). The thing she picked out and would not let go of was this yellow hoodie with pink cupcakes all over it. She is just in love. And what I love....it goes with NOTHING! haha
Favorite toy: Seems she has been neglecting the doll house these days, and is more interested in the hamster and making beds for her dolls out of her blankets and wash clothes. ALL OVER the house I might add. It is not uncommon to walk in and find 6 blankets spread out with dolls and doll clothes littered about. And these blankets aren't just strewn about, they are PERFECTLY folded, I am so impressed. Her doll games are hard core. Oh and a few days ago she asked to play with the hamster and lost him. So we spent the next 40 minutes hunting him down. I keep having these "I'm a real mom" moments. That was definitely one.
* "Beela" is the pink, soft, silky blanket she is obsessed with and takes everywhere she can. "first" implies the one we gave her first, the dirtiest, ugliest most stained one. Why? Who knows.
1 comment:
Hey Allie!
This is very cute. My kid is putting his cars to bed under anything that resembles a blanket right now. Cracks me up. Love it when people I know blog - I'll be back to read more when I'm not so tired!
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