July 16, 2014

Love Fest for my CharChar

A little note I felt inspired to write tonight. <3 p="">


I love you because…..

Dear Char,

I love you because you are so creative. You are always making amazing projects and sewing creations.

I love you because you love to cuddle.

I love you because you wear awesome outfits.

I love you because you are so thoughtful and always look for ways to comfort William and Savannah when they are hurt.

I love you because you have courage and stand up to me when you think I am mean. I might not always agree with you, and maybe even be a little mad at you for standing up to me, but deep down I am so proud of you for being so strong.

I love you because you have the coolest mind ever! You think the strangest, coolest things.

I love you because you are such a hard worker if the job is important to you. And can really clean and organize better than anyone I’ve ever met. You make me proud.

I love you because you have the greatest laugh.

I love you because you care about other people and what will happen to them if they make bad choices.

I love you because you are so strong, in the good kind of way, the way that means you have a big heart but won’t do whatever everyone else is doing, even if you don’t realize it.

I love you because you are mine and will always be mine and I can say you are mine J

I love you because I know what kind of person you will be as an adult and I will be so proud you call you my friend and daughter then too.

This is a whole lotta love.

Xoxo, Momma

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