March 22, 2013


Tonight I had the opportunity to be reminded why I love, love, LOVE our wood flooring.

Don, don, don dooooooooon.

A stomach bug.

You know you have four kids when you can hear barf occurring two rooms away. I actually thought to myself "that spatter sound has a distinctly 'barf' ring to it" and lo and behold it did.

Poor Willsie comes out of the room with John and says "Brother okay" He calls himself 'brother.' It's freaking adorable. Admit it.

So 'Brother' comes out also covered and John looks at me and smiles and says "Sweet!"

You know you have four kids when neither of us batted an eye.

He started the bath, I grabbed the paper towels, cleaner and plastic bag. Swipe, wipe and it was done. He came in the the bedroom to laugh with me about our awesome Friday night and to tell me how rad I was to just jump elbow deep in the ralph cleanup job without complaining. He's quick to compliment - such a lovely man.

So the lesson here is whenever I think to myself "In my next house, I really, really, REALLY want carpet in the bedrooms" someone please bitch slap me.

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