August 12, 2012

Utah Trip 2012 Day #1 - The Car Trip

I'm always excited as heck to get out of town. I love it. I love love traveling with my family and staying with extended family. I love seeing new places and eating other people's cooking :) The part I don't love is packing......Enter psycho list

Psycho List has been a work in progress over the years. There's nothing I hate more than leaving something crucial behind. And since everyone knows I LOVE lists in general it was a natural move. I had a lot of this created a few years back and it sure as heck makes life easier. But then knowing I had almost 3 weeks worth of back-to-back trips coming up, I knew I needed to up my game. And this baby is 3 pages of glory.
I also decided to finally follow my previous "hindsight is 20/20" moments and start packing a week early. Gosh it felt good to throw a few things in every day. Trying not to notice the growing pile on my homeschool table was another story - but worth it in the end.

With the daunting 12 hours of driving ahead we decided to leave at 4AM. I am so happy to report the psycho list + my mother's helper Sausha = a stress free prep day. The day before a trip is usually wracked with crazy eyes (from me) but this one wasn't at all. We left a bit later than planned - 4:30AM and headed out revved and excited.

I thought for sure everyone would go back to sleep - seeing as how it was DARK outside and FOUR-FREAKING-THRITY in the morning! But nope - William thought it was great fun to shout out "WOAH! Truck!" at every passing truck for the next three hours which kept everyone awake. He finally, finally, finally fell asleep around 11:30AM. Thank goodness!
We brought Savannah's bassinet for good reason. She sleeps like a dream with it around.
As I was glancing around trying to find a diaper to change Madam S I turn back and Char is reading her a book. Seriously people - these are the moments that make all the rest worth it.

Hello Miss Bundle. You do loooooove being bundled. Unless it is about 97 degrees - you prefer to be wrapped. The tighter and fluffier the better. I get A LOT of concern from folks regarding this. But peeps - just trust. I know my baby.
While stopping to stretch thyn legs we enjoyed the breeze. I love breezes. The word alone makes me take a relaxing long deep breath. Ahhhhh- breeeeeeze. You just took a deep breath too didn't you? Ha - caught ya!

Juan - I admire and long for your rad abilities to sleep anywhere anytime. With a little eye coverage - you are down in 37 seconds flat. The eye coverage thing was so bizarre to me for the first 3-4 years of marriage, but now I am a born-again eye coverer. 

Toward the 11th hour of the trip things got a little ugly. "The eleventh hour" is a term John and I coined. It's that point toward the end when all tricks fail, all snacks aren't good enough, all electronics are boring, all books are lame, and the beautiful scenery is now too green and lush. We had about 45 minutes of that - but considering it all we ROCKED that car trip. Left at 4:30AM and arrived at 4:30PM even with the time change. Now for the real fun...........6 days of joke.

To be continued.

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