October 15, 2011

Santa Barbara Vacation Part #2

 Wills my dear, you don't seem to sleep well on vaca. This morning you slept in with daddy. So cute.
 While walking to my massage (yes I did just say that) I saw some deer. It was rad to be so close to nature without the "camping" filth included.
 The massage hut and garden. Life is blissful

 Aunt Jen brought fake mustaches. The following series of pictures made the trip. This is my other child, Ava. Why Aunt Jen owns a red headed child is still beyond us all.
 Abe Lincoln anyone?
 I love Char's "mustache face"

Hysterical. That knife really adds flare my friend.

Thank you Aunt Jen for organizing such a memorable trip!!! We had a BLAST!!!!!

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