In class the other day the teacher was reading a book about different family members. So the brother part was about how they can be stinky and then Dads and they have loud voices and are so tall and then mothers, and how they are so sweet and cuddly, etc. The teacher asked each child what their mother reminded them of and some said candy, and others said flowers, etc. She asked Lucas what his mom reminded him of and he said...
"Oh! Oh! A..a..a...A CHUBBY COOKIE!"
LOL LOL Okay the back story on this is he LOVES my mushy post-baby tummy. He is obsessed with rubbing it, petting it, and putting his cheek against it. And the cookie part, I think he was trying to come up with something sweet. The teacher said he declared it with so much love. I laughed until I cried and then I keep repeating that story. I love it!
HAHAHAHAHA! That is awesome!!
Hey, Allison, it is Jen's cousin. My 5 year old calls it a "pillow belly" and is obsessed with it. Sadly, he is my baby and the belly is still there!
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