July 14, 2008

We Moved

We moved!! Amazing how you forget how hard, dirty and horrible moving is!! Holy moly. I have never seen John work so hard in his life. Of course I helped a lot but i give him most of the credit. Such an amazing husband. And he never complained once!!

The plan:

We moved back into my parents house. We have finally mustered up the strength to do what we originally planned a few years back and build an addition on their house. I am really excited about it and so is John. When it's done our portion of the house will be between 2500 and 3000sf so we won't be hurting for space - have to allow for family expansion (not in the near future though). The next step is to have our drafter/architect contact LA City and see how far out we can build, that is, now close to property line we can come (that will tell us a lot) and then we will have a geological inspection and find out how far down we have to dig to hit bedrock. Those two pieces of info will be make/break points - but we are planning on "make" as this allows us to achieve our dream.

If anyone has tips or ideas on creating a house that is easy to clean and virtually indestructible, please pass them on!! I know there are ways to create that, and that is my #1 goal, right up there with budget and beauty. :)

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